Monday, July 5, 2010

I dont even share them with my kids.

About ten days ago I saw a mouse run across our dinning room and into the play room. I turned to Matt and said, "There is a mouse in the play room." (You should know he is a professional bug killer, and my personal hero.) He grabs his flash light and then goes in search of the rodent.

MJ- I didnt see anything
Me- Oh. Well it went from the kitchen to the playroom.
MJ- Well I didnt see anything.
Me- So is it safe to get off the table?

Shortly after our friend,Angie sees the mouse run under the couch I AM SITTING ON. Once she points this out I jump from the Couch to the coffee table and then in one  leaps to the kitchen table. (Eat your heat out Cirt-o-lea) Again the hubby gets out the flashlight and looks under the couch for the mouse....nothing. Well this chase goes on for a bit and then the mouse retreats back to his hole. The hubby sets traps and after a snap the mouse is not heard from again.

Tonight I am sitting at my computer and I see two mice running along the base boards of my kitchen. The are tiny, gray, fuzzy have this little expressive faces, round little ears, long little tails that seem to speak of there happy little night out on the town. Well the point is I like them. I never knew they were so cute. So I holler to Matt.

MJ- "WHAT?!?"
Me "We have mice running around the kitchen, there are two of them, one went left of the stove the other right. They are kind of cute. I like watching them."

Matt comes down the stairs and says "What?" I again explain to him about the cute little mice and that he should probably do something about them.

Matt "Honey I know what I am doing."
Me "I know as I dont doubt your skill for a moment. I just thought you might need a 411 on there location of something, didnt you say you put something under the sink to catch them?"

Matt goes over and gets out the traps FROM THERE PACKAGE!!! I guess 2010 mice are very intelligent and sophisticated and get there traps out themselves these days.

Me-"Youre going to kill them?"
MJ -"yes"
Me-"what your going to kill them TONIGHT? I wanted to get some pictures, I think they are pretty cute."
MJ-"they carry diseases."
Me- "this is 2010 these arent the black plague carrying mice they are sweet little hungry rodents. They dont look like they would hurt a fly."

Matt goes to the cupboard to get peanut butter.
Me- "I thought they ate cheese?"
MJ- "No that is a myth."
Me- "Well dont use my Reduced Fat peanut butter thats mine."
MJ-"honey do you want me to kill the mice or not?"
Me-"Is there another option for Franklin and Templeton."
MJ-"You have named them?"
Me-"Do you like Frick and Fratt better?"
MJ-"No they are mice we are killng them!"
Me-"I was just thinking we might have some options."
MJ-"You know they could get into your Millano Cookies"
Me-"Kill them dead, those are my cookies."

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Missed Opportunity to Poop on Prejudice

Overheard at my workplace:

Woman 1: "Ever since that Department X (names have been changed to protect the innocent) moved onto this floor, the bathroom has been absolutely disgusting!"

Woman 2: "I know! I was in there the other day and almost threw up, it smelled so bad."

Woman 1: " I mean, I'm not saying my shit doesn't stink but really! The bathroom never smelled that bad before they came here."

Now department X is filled with mostly entry level employees, whereas the rest of our floor consists of higher level professionals. Or, as I was previously unaware of - higher level poop prejudiced professionals.

The only logical conclusion I could draw from the overheard conversation was that since Dept. X women were entry level people and therefore received lower pay than the rest of us, it was assumed that they had to be responsible for the increased odor in the bathroom because as we all know, poor entry level workers are only able to afford Ramen noodles, Spam (which they eat directly out of the can), and government issued cheese, and this processed food combination results in noxious ass gas. Talk about economic prejudice!

Seriously, I work with people who think like this. Okay, maybe not this specifically since I haven't mastered the whole mind reading thing yet, but what other thinking could result in a conversation like that?

I absolutely despise people who look down upon other people for any reason. I was so taken aback at the time that I just stood there dumbfounded, and I've regretted it ever since. Had I to do it over again I would have chimed in with one of the following pithy phrases:

  1. So you keep track of and rate the offensiveness of shit odors and when they occur? I like to knit, but you know, whatever. Everybody has different interests and hobbies.
  2. God I hope I get a good pay increase this year, because my shit stinks. I mean, not as bad as those Dept. X gals, but it certainly doesn't smell as good as your lilac ass.
  3. I hear the executive bathroom smells like freshly baked cookies.
  4. OMG I totally know what you're saying! I was in there the other day and someone was dropping a horrendous load and I knew it was a Dept. X person because I looked at the shoes and they were so last year. That department is useless, well except for the fact that they are in charge of getting the stuff we do to the customer and if they didn't exist you wouldn't have the job that bought you that Coach purse. I mean, at least I'm pretty sure the smell came from her. It could have been coming from the stall next to her though. That person was wearing shoes that looked like . . . well, just like the ones you have on!

Snooty bitches. Seriously. I'm so eating some rank chimichangas and following these two into the bathroom all next week!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What is this crap?

I know by the title of the Blog and the address you might be thinking that this blog is devoted to poo or anything poo related. That's not the case. Some of you may be greatly disappointed, and if so I think you should seek help immediately.

This blog is the result of an epifany I had. I wanted to do a blog where I could put my musings out into the world for anyone and eveyone to view. My partner in crime, Cathy Craptastic, had the same desire. We decided to team up and do a blog together. But why should we keep it to ourselves? Why not create a community blog where anyone can post and enjoy the thrills of blogging without the commitment of maintaining their own personal blog?

That's how the Worthashit was born, or at least the idea of worthashit. The name itself came about because everyone and their dog has a blog nowadays and none of our original name ideas were available. We started with GAB, and then blah blah blah. We tried your two cents worth. We tried community casserole, communtiy creativity, out of line, cattywampus, tell me what I want to hear. We tried anything and everything literally, and they were all taken. And then during a pure moment of frustration and desperation Cathy said I just want something that is worth a shit and Wortha Typed it in and BAM!!!!! It was avialable. We knew that we had to snatch it up. Sure it has vulgarity in it, not to mention a swear word. But that fits our style perfectly.

Now that your'e interested this is how you start blogging your musings on Worth a Shit. Shoot Wortha an email (see address in the side bar) and let her know that you are interested in blogging with us. Then she will shoot you a link to create your own account to use on this blog. You'll then be able to post and we'll see if you too are Worth a Shit.

We just ask that you adhere to our Terms and Conditions. Come on you didn't think we were going to allow anything did you?? Well if you want to put something that does not follow our p's and q's start your own damn blog, and if you can't find an avaible web address you know where to find us.